Currently I'm using fire fox Mozilla when I'm surfing the net and updating my blog. I thought my layout looks fine until my cousin informed me that something has been missing here in my page. I got really confused because when I checked this page it looks exactly the same, like it is meant to be! We're using different browser and I think it's possible that it is simply the difference between the two browsers. Firefox and Internet Explore render web pages in different ways, this means that the same web page can be seen differently depending on which browser one uses. I checked my blog using the IE browser and I think that IE really hates me!!! Because my blogs menu bar is really missing!!!
Willa of Smart mommy
IE sucks that's why i 've been using Firefox eversince, you have to let your readers know that your site is best viewed in Firefox!!
thanks you so much Willa ^-^
IE is my nemensis too! I am going to have to switch over to Firefox to see how your blog is supposed to appear. We used to have that program on our computer, but after it crashed, Firefox sadly did too.
Maybe it is time to upgrade things again!
that ise because I am using IE and Google Chrome sometimes and they look different hehehe..
By the way, I have an array of awards for you!
show off your bag because I have a Bag Tag For You :)
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