Mar 2, 2009


First Commenter Club

Its time to give our wonderful ways to say our thank you. First and for most to all the strangers, friends and families who reads and frequently dropping their sweet comments to our blogs. Secondly to my fellow bloggers that I consider my new friends who inspires me to be a good blogger. Thank you so much guys <3
I joined the First Comment Club of Mariuca's when I visited shydub's blog simple happy life. If you want to be part of FCC visit Mariuca .
Now I can give linky wee =) to my first commenter, this is the chance to make new friends. * smile* ...

Here are the rules:

1. Your blog gives away FREE linky love to your FIRST COMMENTER.

* It doesn't matter how many times in a month you have FC linky love posts at your blog but do take note that the tendency of other bloggers visiting you (to win the linky love you are giving away) increases with the number of FC linky love posts you write.

2. Display the FC button and blogroll in your sidebar.

* Once they have finalized the FC Club member list, just come back to maurica's place and get your code for the complete blogroll of Members.

3. They are looking for 100 blogs only so HURRY!

* For now, the membership drive is open to the first 100 blogs that qualify. All types of blogs are welcomed to join the FC Club, but they draw the line at blogs that are pornographic in nature. Hurry time is limited and the seat is almost full.

Thank you Pictures, Images and Photos


Anonymous said...

Hi, and thank you for visiting my blog: . I appreciate your nice comment. Your blog is so delightful. I love the banner, totally charming! And all your cute young ladies lie the one over the E-Card ... makes it fun to visit your blog. May I invite you to visit my website: Thank you

Lesley said...

What an amazing idea...great way to give love to other fabulicious bloggers....Just wanted to stop by and say a BIG welcome to glad you are here....

Anonymous said...

Sounds fun.

I always wanted to be in a club.

Welcome to SITS! You'll find lots of ladies who comment here.

Just Lisa said...

What a neat way to spread bloggy love!

Came by to welcome you to SITS!

Anonymous said...

Hi mommyjac thanks for visiting my blog. ohh yeah! welcome to the club lol, it's fun though and we get to meet more friendly bloggers like you. Have a nice day girls(including your chikiting)

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

What a great idea - sounds fun!

Dropping by to welcome you to SITS - glad to have you join us!

Hello blog, it's been a while.

 Finally I am back! But first, let me take a coffee! Hi everyone, I know that it's been a long time since I have a blog post, my apologi...